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/* * EASYDROPDOWN - A Drop-down Builder for Styleable Inputs and Menus * Version: 2.1.4 * License: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported - CC BY 3.0 * * This software may be used freely on commercial and non-commercial projects with attribution to the author/copyright holder. * Author: Patrick Kunka * Copyright 2013 Patrick Kunka, All Rights Reserved */ (function($){ function EasyDropDown(){ this.isField = true, this.down = false, this.inFocus = false, this.disabled = false, this.cutOff = false, this.hasLabel = false, this.keyboardMode = false, this.nativeTouch = true, this.wrapperClass = 'dropdown', this.onChange = null; }; EasyDropDown.prototype = { constructor: EasyDropDown, instances: {}, init: function(domNode, settings){ var self = this; $.extend(self, settings); self.$select = $(domNode); =; self.options = []; self.$options = self.$select.find('option'); self.isTouch = 'ontouchend' in document; self.$select.removeClass(self.wrapperClass+' dropdown'); if(self.$':disabled')){ self.disabled = true; }; if(self.$options.length){ self.$options.each(function(i){ var $option = $(this); if($':selected')){ self.selected = { index: i, title: $option.text() } self.focusIndex = i; }; if($option.hasClass('label') && i == 0){ self.hasLabel = true; self.label = $option.text(); $option.attr('value',''); } else { self.options.push({ domNode: $option[0], title: $option.text(), value: $option.val(), selected: $':selected') }); }; }); if(!self.selected){ self.selected = { index: 0, title: self.$options.eq(0).text() } self.focusIndex = 0; }; self.render(); }; }, render: function(){ var self = this, touchClass = self.isTouch && self.nativeTouch ? ' touch' : '', disabledClass = self.disabled ? ' disabled' : ''; self.$container = self.$select.wrap('<div class="'+self.wrapperClass+touchClass+disabledClass+'"><span class="old"/></div>').parent().parent(); self.$active = $('<span class="selected">'+self.selected.title+'</span>').appendTo(self.$container); self.$carat = $('<span class="carat"/>').appendTo(self.$container); self.$scrollWrapper = $('<div><ul/></div>').appendTo(self.$container); self.$dropDown = self.$scrollWrapper.find('ul'); self.$form = self.$container.closest('form'); $.each(self.options, function(){ var option = this, active = option.selected ? ' class="active"':''; self.$dropDown.append('<li'+active+'>'+option.title+'</li>'); }); self.$items = self.$dropDown.find('li'); if(self.cutOff && self.$items.length > self.cutOff)self.$container.addClass('scrollable'); self.getMaxHeight(); if(self.isTouch && self.nativeTouch){ self.bindTouchHandlers(); } else { self.bindHandlers(); }; }, getMaxHeight: function(){ var self = this; self.maxHeight = 0; for(i = 0; i < self.$items.length; i++){ var $item = self.$items.eq(i); self.maxHeight += $item.outerHeight(); if(self.cutOff == i+1){ break; }; }; }, bindTouchHandlers: function(){ var self = this; self.$container.on('click.easyDropDown',function(){ self.$select.focus(); }); self.$select.on({ change: function(){ var $selected = $(this).find('option:selected'), title = $selected.text(), value = $selected.val(); self.$active.text(title); if(typeof self.onChange === 'function'){$select[0],{ title: title, value: value }); }; }, focus: function(){ self.$container.addClass('focus'); }, blur: function(){ self.$container.removeClass('focus'); } }); }, bindHandlers: function(){ var self = this; self.query = ''; self.$container.on({ 'click.easyDropDown': function(){ if(!self.down && !self.disabled){; } else { self.close(); }; }, 'mousemove.easyDropDown': function(){ if(self.keyboardMode){ self.keyboardMode = false; }; } }); $('body').on('click.easyDropDown.',function(e){ var $target = $(, classNames = self.wrapperClass.split(' ').join('.'); if(!$target.closest('.'+classNames).length && self.down){ self.close(); }; }); self.$items.on({ 'click.easyDropDown': function(){ var index = $(this).index();; self.$select.focus(); }, 'mouseover.easyDropDown': function(){ if(!self.keyboardMode){ var $t = $(this); $t.addClass('focus').siblings().removeClass('focus'); self.focusIndex = $t.index(); }; }, 'mouseout.easyDropDown': function(){ if(!self.keyboardMode){ $(this).removeClass('focus'); }; } }); self.$select.on({ 'focus.easyDropDown': function(){ self.$container.addClass('focus'); self.inFocus = true; }, 'blur.easyDropDown': function(){ self.$container.removeClass('focus'); self.inFocus = false; }, 'keydown.easyDropDown': function(e){ if(self.inFocus){ self.keyboardMode = true; var key = e.keyCode; if(key == 38 || key == 40 || key == 32){ e.preventDefault(); if(key == 38){ self.focusIndex-- self.focusIndex = self.focusIndex < 0 ? self.$items.length - 1 : self.focusIndex; } else if(key == 40){ self.focusIndex++ self.focusIndex = self.focusIndex > self.$items.length - 1 ? 0 : self.focusIndex; }; if(!self.down){; }; self.$items.removeClass('focus').eq(self.focusIndex).addClass('focus'); if(self.cutOff){ self.scrollToView(); }; self.query = ''; }; if(self.down){ if(key == 9 || key == 27){ self.close(); } else if(key == 13){ e.preventDefault();; self.close(); return false; } else if(key == 8){ e.preventDefault(); self.query = self.query.slice(0,-1);; clearTimeout(self.resetQuery); return false; } else if(key != 38 && key != 40){ var letter = String.fromCharCode(key); self.query += letter;; clearTimeout(self.resetQuery); }; }; }; }, 'keyup.easyDropDown': function(){ self.resetQuery = setTimeout(function(){ self.query = ''; },1200); } }); self.$dropDown.on('scroll.easyDropDown',function(e){ if(self.$dropDown[0].scrollTop >= self.$dropDown[0].scrollHeight - self.maxHeight){ self.$container.addClass('bottom'); } else { self.$container.removeClass('bottom'); }; }); if(self.$form.length){ self.$form.on('reset.easyDropDown', function(){ var active = self.hasLabel ? self.label : self.options[0].title; self.$active.text(active); }); }; }, unbindHandlers: function(){ var self = this; self.$container .add(self.$select) .add(self.$items) .add(self.$form) .add(self.$dropDown) .off('.easyDropDown'); $('body').off('.'; }, open: function(){ var self = this, scrollTop = window.scrollY || document.documentElement.scrollTop, scrollLeft = window.scrollX || document.documentElement.scrollLeft, scrollOffset = self.notInViewport(scrollTop); self.closeAll(); self.getMaxHeight(); self.$select.focus(); window.scrollTo(scrollLeft, scrollTop+scrollOffset); self.$container.addClass('open'); self.$scrollWrapper.css('height',self.maxHeight+'px'); self.down = true; }, close: function(){ var self = this; self.$container.removeClass('open'); self.$scrollWrapper.css('height','0px'); self.focusIndex = self.selected.index; self.query = ''; self.down = false; }, closeAll: function(){ var self = this, instances = Object.getPrototypeOf(self).instances; for(var key in instances){ var instance = instances[key]; instance.close(); }; }, select: function(index){ var self = this; if(typeof index === 'string'){ index = self.$select.find('option[value='+index+']').index() - 1; }; var option = self.options[index], selectIndex = self.hasLabel ? index + 1 : index; self.$items.removeClass('active').eq(index).addClass('active'); self.$active.text(option.title); self.$select .find('option') .removeAttr('selected') .eq(selectIndex) .prop('selected',true) .parent() .trigger('change'); self.selected = { index: index, title: option.title }; self.focusIndex = i; if(typeof self.onChange === 'function'){$select[0],{ title: option.title, value: option.value }); }; }, search: function(){ var self = this, lock = function(i){ self.focusIndex = i; self.$items.removeClass('focus').eq(self.focusIndex).addClass('focus'); self.scrollToView(); }, getTitle = function(i){ return self.options[i].title.toUpperCase(); }; for(i = 0; i < self.options.length; i++){ var title = getTitle(i); if(title.indexOf(self.query) == 0){ lock(i); return; }; }; for(i = 0; i < self.options.length; i++){ var title = getTitle(i); if(title.indexOf(self.query) > -1){ lock(i); break; }; }; }, scrollToView: function(){ var self = this; if(self.focusIndex >= self.cutOff){ var $focusItem = self.$items.eq(self.focusIndex), scroll = ($focusItem.outerHeight() * (self.focusIndex + 1)) - self.maxHeight; self.$dropDown.scrollTop(scroll); }; }, notInViewport: function(scrollTop){ var self = this, range = { min: scrollTop, max: scrollTop + (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight) }, menuBottom = self.$dropDown.offset().top + self.maxHeight; if(menuBottom >= range.min && menuBottom <= range.max){ return 0; } else { return (menuBottom - range.max) + 5; }; }, destroy: function(){ var self = this; self.unbindHandlers(); self.$select.unwrap().siblings().remove(); self.$select.unwrap(); delete Object.getPrototypeOf(self).instances[self.$select[0].id]; }, disable: function(){ var self = this; self.disabled = true; self.$container.addClass('disabled'); self.$select.attr('disabled',true); if(!self.down)self.close(); }, enable: function(){ var self = this; self.disabled = false; self.$container.removeClass('disabled'); self.$select.attr('disabled',false); } }; var instantiate = function(domNode, settings){ = ! ? 'EasyDropDown'+rand() :; var instance = new EasyDropDown(); if(!instance.instances[]){ instance.instances[] = instance; instance.init(domNode, settings); }; }, rand = function(){ return ('00000'+(Math.random()*16777216<<0).toString(16)).substr(-6).toUpperCase(); }; $.fn.easyDropDown = function(){ var args = arguments, dataReturn = [], eachReturn; eachReturn = this.each(function(){ if(args && typeof args[0] === 'string'){ var data = EasyDropDown.prototype.instances[][args[0]](args[1], args[2]); if(data)dataReturn.push(data); } else { instantiate(this, args[0]); }; }); if(dataReturn.length){ return dataReturn.length > 1 ? dataReturn : dataReturn[0]; } else { return eachReturn; }; }; $(function(){ if(typeof Object.getPrototypeOf !== 'function'){ if(typeof 'test'.__proto__ === 'object'){ Object.getPrototypeOf = function(object){ return object.__proto__; }; } else { Object.getPrototypeOf = function(object){ return object.constructor.prototype; }; }; }; $('select.dropdown').each(function(){ var json = $(this).attr('data-settings'); settings = json ? $.parseJSON(json) : {}; instantiate(this, settings); }); }); })(jQuery);